Our Vision & Mission
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- Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
The vision is to be a world class institution by producing professionals with strong academic background, ethical & moral values ,professional skills, which prepares students to be responsible citizens & add value to the socity.
Our Mission
- To impart value based Education in students & make them economically sufficient.
- To promote measures to internalise quality & institutionalise best practices.
- To prepare students to be a right fit for the competitive job world.
- To provide a platform to serve the society through extension activities, enabling them to develop personality & leadership skills.
- To collaborate the best minds in the industries with the academia of the college thereby empowering the students to meet the global standards
Quality Policy
Karnataka Institution is committed to provide value based education to the student enabling them to excel in the field of management & Science through
- Enhancing the competency of the faculty with innovative teaching learning practices
- Inculcating the moral & ethical values in staff & students
- The system ensures monitoring, developing, reviewing, & enhancing standards of learning, teaching & assessment.
- To provide the best infrastructure to facilitate the learning & formation of students.